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Clerk's Office Raises Funds for C.A.R.E. - December 11, 2023

Roger D. Eaton, Clerk of the Circuit Court and County Comptroller presents check to CARE.

On Monday, December 11th, Roger D. Eaton, Charlotte County Clerk of the Circuit Court, presented C.A.R.E. with a donation of $17,327.50. These funds were raised through the Clerk’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month events, including a bake sale, spaghetti lunch fundraiser, raffle baskets, and donations from Charlotte County jurors who chose to donate their juror pay to C.A.R.E throughout 2023.

“I am proud that the Clerk’s office and our community has provided strong support for C.A.R.E. and its goals for years”, said Clerk Eaton.
