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The Charlotte Clerk's Office; a year in review

When I ran for Charlotte County clerk of court in 2016, I promised to immediately construct and implement office improvements which would make the Clerk’s Office more user-friendly for local citizens while at the same time saving money for our local taxpayers. Since taking office in January 2017, I have worked tirelessly to fulfill these promises. I am proud to report the following new programs and efficiencies in our office.

  • State of the art Jury Management System with easy kiosk checking, mobile app and website, same day pay program.
  • Enabled free copies of Official Records recorded documents without watermarks.
  • Reduced the budget 1.9 percent again rising health care cost of 5 percent.
  • Over 4.9 million earned on investments. This is 1.3 million more than the previous year.
  • Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting from the Government Finance Officers Association.

See the full article here